Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, August 30, 2024
I Have Kept in Time and Space the Last Chosen King
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on August 11, 2024, Reading: 1 Samuel 12

The people of Israel asked the Lord for a king. Confirmation of Saul's reign and Samuel's warnings to the people.
Word of Jesus Christ:
"I bless you My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness, from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
This is the story of those kings chosen, by Eternal God, to prepare the coming of the Messiah. Yes, all these kings erred despite the blessing they bore. Yet many of them, repentant and in contrition, returned to God.
Man is weak, small, but proud, and easily falls back into the trap of wanting to obtain glory and dominion by himself.
This, in the history of the Chosen People, earned them blindness and the grip of lies, which led them to crucify the Messiah they were waiting for.
Having lost, through their cruelty and greed, their privilege as a sacred nation, God established elsewhere the privileged link and sacred support for those on their way to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father.
This chosen and pampered nation was showered with graces and blessings. It grew gradually, taught by envoys who nourished it with God's faith and Love.
The king called to this land received the anointing of his coronation, celebrated by God's servants, from the holy oil of the sacred Ampulla descended from Heaven. Grateful for the graces received, this king promised to be the protector of Christ's Church.
Kings, quite human, despite their weaknesses, succeeded one another abiding, sustained by God's graces, in fidelity to their commitment in their association with the Church.
Alas, Satan got the better of the tenacity shown by these kings. And, it was in martyrdom that the last king, worthy and holy, was eliminated by a people darkened by ambition and lust, in search of a freedom that today imprisons them.
The people, ignoring the truth of their choice, followed prevarication, then immolating their king and the sacred Link they had with their Creator and Savior, banishing also the Covenant that united the whole nation in the Holy Spirit.
The resistance of the faithful who demonstrated their Faith in God, in the Love of their country and towards the king and his descendants, occasioned a one-sided fratricidal war and gave France the image of the bravery of the martyrs whose blood bathed the earth in many places remaining My Bastion and My Fiefdom. This blood that still irrigates My lands where My supplies gather.
This Blood, powerful from the Love of My own, sacrifice and purification consecrating their land to God and giving it as an inheritance for the Salvation of their brothers. By the blood of Love offered, of Faith that remains, and of that which awakens in this land,
I have kept for the brave, suffering, but strong Heart of this nation chosen and blessed by My Mother's Heart and by My Sacred Heart, alive the Promises established with the Eldest Daughter of My Church,
I have kept in Time and Space the last chosen king, in this people of Promise, who will both appease and reunite his people, Mine, and walk in Reparation for offenses against God and His Church.
Let this people be reassured, he who answers God's call will abide in My Heart and under My protection. This people will be greatly diminished, the dissidents will be gone. Evil and death will be vanquished.
Mary Immaculate Co-Redemptrix, always your protector and associated with the mission of the Redemptive Incarnation, will carry to the Eternal Father all those who have believed in the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
I cover you with My Divine blessing and My Divine and Infinite Love. Draw closer to Me, your God, and away from everything that disturbs you. Remain united for eternity in Our United Hearts.
Jesus Christ"
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God
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